"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. When you are born a lotus flower, be a beautiful lotus flower, don't try to be a magnolia flower. If you crave acceptance and recognition and try to change yourself to fit what other people … Continue reading Thought for the Week- Lady Dyanna
Samhain Blessings 2021- Wheel of the Seasons- Nishante Divinelove
Wheel of the seasons. A change and of a new. Samhain, Halloween, Ancestors and Harvest. Fairy mischiefs and stories a told. Crystals, scrying, runes and tarot's Pumpkins and Bonfires. Cauldron of fire a child of promise. The Sun God. The Mourning. Time of Magick and Honor. The Crone. The Moon Goddess. Samhain chaos and otherworld. A … Continue reading Samhain Blessings 2021- Wheel of the Seasons- Nishante Divinelove
Samhain~Halloween Customs and Practices III— ravenhawks’ magazine Magick for Mind Body and Soul
Samhain~Halloween Customs and Practices III What about those horrible Witches everywhere and the annoying Trick or Treaters? This is the time of year that the Scots believed that the Cailleach, the Hag, arises from stone to walk the Earth. She actually had a blue-gray or almost black face. She is an important supernatural being in […]Samhain~Halloween … Continue reading Samhain~Halloween Customs and Practices III— ravenhawks’ magazine Magick for Mind Body and Soul
Samhain~Halloween Customs and Practices — ravenhawks’ magazine Magick for Mind Body and Soul
This was when cattle and sheep were brought in from summer pasture, all but breeding stock being killed for winter food and making fewer mouths to feed. The last fruit was picked, except that which would be left for the Sidhe, grain was gathered and processed for fodder, flour, and beer. Fishermen put up their … Continue reading Samhain~Halloween Customs and Practices — ravenhawks’ magazine Magick for Mind Body and Soul
Thought for the Week- Lady Dyanna
“People wonder how they can have faith when there seems to be no reason to have any. But that is the most important reason to have it. A belief is the spark, but it alone cannot sustain. It must be nourished with faith in order to grow and remain. The strength of positive beliefs and … Continue reading Thought for the Week- Lady Dyanna
Weekly Healing Crystal: Rutilated Quartz- Crystal Dawn
Rutilated Quartz Element: Fire Rutilated Quartz is clear or occasionally smoky quartz with golden yellow to brownish-red needles in it that can form patterns within the crystal. This type of crystal is known to the French as fleches d’ amour, or “love’s arrows”; they are also sometimes called Venus’ hair stones. The rutiles augment the transmission power and energy … Continue reading Weekly Healing Crystal: Rutilated Quartz- Crystal Dawn
Daughters are precious and Divine-Divine OSIRIS and Divine ISIS- Nishante Divinelove
Weekly Healing Crystal: Milky Quartz- Crystal Dawn
Element: Water Milky Quartz gets its name from its cloudy interior it color is cloudy white. These cloudier crystals are yin stones associated with the moon, see-through clouds, and the moon goddess. Cloudy Quartz will relieve blurred vision, headaches, or a loss of balance. It can be used to draw out pain or to unblock a … Continue reading Weekly Healing Crystal: Milky Quartz- Crystal Dawn
Weekly Healing Crystal: Turquoise- Crystal Dawn
Turquoise ProtectionHEALINGintuitioncreativityTURQUOISE. Element: Air and earth Turquoise is usually light blue to blue, greenish blue to apple green, the most precious turquoise is blue. During the crusades the gem was brought to Europe from the Orient, this is where its name derives from. Turquoise was already considered a stone of protection in former times: Persian kings … Continue reading Weekly Healing Crystal: Turquoise- Crystal Dawn
Thought for the Week by Lady Dyanna
"Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul." ~ Democritus