rose 4879518 960 720 “Conserving energy is a good thing. But this is also why belief is the root of all positive change. Unless you believe something better is possible, it makes no sense to devote the energy or effort into making it happen. So all those other things, determination, perseverance, courage….they can’t do their … Continue reading Weekly Relationship Awareness May 9, 2022 – May 15, 2022, by Lady Dyanna
Weekly Healing Crystal: Green Tourmaline- Crystal Dawn
img 20220507 131022674 Element: Earth Green Tourmaline, also known as Verdelite ranges in hue from pale light green to darkest emerald, sometimes in shades of olive. They often vary in coloration within a single specimen, lengthwise or in cross-sections, and may be transparent or opaque. One of Tourmaline’s most distinguishing properties is its ability to … Continue reading Weekly Healing Crystal: Green Tourmaline- Crystal Dawn
Happy Mothers Day
May you all have a wonderful, serene and joyous day filled with gratitude for self. We wish all mothers a Happy Mother's Day. Blessed Be.
WEEKLY SOUL ENERGY REFLECTION-May 2, 2022 – May 8, 2022- Divination-Rune Magick ISA
Keywords: Absolute stillness and inaction. Be careful of what you do and say, Patience, Possibilities, Determination, Craft, Skill and Inspiration. This week's soul energy reflection begins with being extremely mindful of your responses. No reaction being silent is the best solution. Not the time to take things personally. You do not want to regret the … Continue reading WEEKLY SOUL ENERGY REFLECTION-May 2, 2022 – May 8, 2022- Divination-Rune Magick ISA
Weekly Relationship Awareness May 2, 2022 – May 8, 2022, by Lady Dyanna
heart 1046693 960 720 “Set your heart free. Trust it. It knows the way. The way is always detached, secure, and out of love. Detachment doesn’t mean coldness, it means freedom. Security doesn’t mean rules or checking up on people, it means confidence and trust. Love doesn’t mean clinging or desperation, it means appreciation, encouragement, … Continue reading Weekly Relationship Awareness May 2, 2022 – May 8, 2022, by Lady Dyanna
Weekly Healing Crystal: Orange Carnelian- Crystal Dawn
gctcarb Element: Fire Orange Carnelian can be found in orange-pinkish and softer paler orange it can also occasionally be found in yellowish-orange pink or almost brown. This stone is considered receptive or passive female energy. The ancient Egyptians called Carnelian “the setting sun.” The stone is believed to aid in the absorption of vitamins, nutrients, … Continue reading Weekly Healing Crystal: Orange Carnelian- Crystal Dawn
Thought for the Week- Lady Dyanna
away 5060318 960 720 "It's hard sometimes to not be afraid. But it's much harder to always live in fear. Faith means to believe something is true, sometimes without any proof at all. Have faith in yourself and the proof will follow. " Doe Zantamata
Beltane Blessings- May Day- Wheel of the Year-Celebrations-Nishante Divinelove
zen shop oshawa beltane sabbat flowers herbs incense 1
Beltane Customs- Fire Festival- Lady Dyanna
Fire was believed to have purifying qualities – it cleansed and rejuvenated both the land and the people.The ritual welcoming of the sun and the lighting of the fires was also believed to ensure the fertility of the land and the people.Animals were transferred from winter pens to summer pastures and were driven between the … Continue reading Beltane Customs- Fire Festival- Lady Dyanna
Beltane Herb- Sweet Woodruff
The Sweet Woodruff, a favorite little plant growing in woods and on shaded hedgebanks, may be readily recognized by its small white flowers (in bloom in May and June) set on a tender stalk, with narrow, bright-green leaves growing beneath them in successive, star-like whorls, just as in Clivers or Goosegrass, about eight leaves to … Continue reading Beltane Herb- Sweet Woodruff