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Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- May 29, 2023- June 4, 2023- Animal Spirit Guides- Condor

Message: Look at the situations and every aspect of your life through the eyes of your soul and higher mind. And before making choices and taking action be mindful and ask your higher mind and soul if these choices and actions belong to your soul. This week is about mastering and knowing who you are … Continue reading Weekly Soul Energy Reflection- May 29, 2023- June 4, 2023- Animal Spirit Guides- Condor

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Thought for the week- Lady Dyanna

“The word “power” has many definitions, but one that it has become attached to is one that is negative. All “power” means is concentrated energy. A lot of energy without focus or concentration is just static and serves little purpose. But focused energy becomes power, which can change people, circumstances, and situations worldwide. You have… Thought … Continue reading Thought for the week- Lady Dyanna

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Weekly Relationship Awareness- By Lady Dyanna

“Trust is as necessary to a happy, healthy relationship as air is to the lungs. With it, a relationship can survive almost anything. Without it, almost nothing. Living in a world without trust is truly painful. When a person says, “trust is something that needs to be earned,” it’s a big sign that this person’s… Weekly … Continue reading Weekly Relationship Awareness- By Lady Dyanna