Look Beyond- Nishante Divinelove

We give sooo much focus on the physical that we miss out on what is actually occurring. And not until our world falls apart we are then forced to look beyond to find the truth. We live like robots constantly in this loop of “physical is what is real because I can see it, if I don’t see it I don’t believe it and it is not real” is it now? Do you see ‘Air’ that you breathe? Even though you cannot see air but air is real isn’t it? Regardless of what you think and believe it’s not going to change the fact that air is a living sentient being. One is ready to willingly believe in the lies and blindly follow illusions than to look beyond and know the truth. At that point one is locked in a cage of their own delusion until you choose to look and think beyond. One misses out on actually living life by not looking what’s beyond. The true adventure is to look beyond. If you want to know what’s real then look beyond physical. This rigid way of looking at life serves no one and definitely does not serve the planet. The truth of who you are and what this world is about lives beyond the physical. When you live from that place of being in the real world and then look at physical world now that is Magick that is true happiness💝

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