Imbolc Blessing 2022- Ravenhawks Magickal products Candles Cloaks Ritual Boxes

Color of the Season Pink
ENERGY= Female
CHAKRA= Fourth, Heart Chakra
PLANET = Venus
DAY = Friday
Most Important Associations: Unconditional love and caring.
Pink represents unconditional love and caring. Feminine intuitive energy. Awakening. Also signifies the need for warmth and extreme problems with material issues. It stands for the feminine role model.
The color of emotions from the heart. Pleasure in the arts, inspiration, creativity, marriage, friendship, beauty, compassion, raising energies, new relationships. Encourage openness, intuition, warmth, self-love
Magickal Uses: Love spells, friendship, femininity, new loves, physical beauty, friendships, partnerships, romance, attraction
Healing Properties: inner harmony, calming, relaxing, some skin dis-orders, asthma, bronchitis, bruises, fevers, nervousness.
Pink is the secondary color of the Heart Chakra

If you desire psychic Intuitive readings, questions about your spiritual journey, twin soul relationship please visit our website for more information. You can chat with me per min through click4Advisor or book a private session. Hope to talk to you soon. Thank you for stopping by.

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