Happy Thanksgiving- Message-Lady Nishante Divinelove —

May we know that it is divine mother’s grace and invitation that we are born on this divine feminine planet to experience her grace and bounty. May we know that we are guest on her land. May we know that this divine land will always live and thrive with you in it or not. May we know that it is in gratitude to mother earth that fulfills our purpose of living and being here on earth. And may we always give the grace of gratitude to our Divine Mother Earth Gaea for all of her sources and resources and her bounty. And may this harvest of gratitude to mother earth grace our lives with joy, happiness, nourishment and abundance and open our hearts to only serve the greater good of this planet and all of her divine creations and beings and the balance between order and chaos. And may this gratitude be the reality of our existence now and forever. And so it is. And so shall it be. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Blessed be.

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