Gnomes are Saying- Nishante Divinelove

My Gnomes are Saying: Magick feeds our soul. It is a necessity just like food, like breathing. Without Magick we are raw and incomplete. How can we separate or stop breathing from ourselves? Just like that we cannot separate Magick from who we are. A body of a soul will find herself or himself feel a huge miss in there lives because they are denying who they are by denying there birth right that they are Magick!!!! Accept your birth right and let go of everything that you have ever learned, seen or heard about Magick! Because until you do you will never know the truth of Magick and truth of you, the soul. Magick is how this world is created. How can you deny that fact? And if you cannot deny that fact then what gives you the right to deny your own truth and fact that you are Magick? Based on who and what other think or believe? Is that how you choose to live your life by living someone else’s life story, belief, thoughts? Own your facts, your truths. Accept your power your Magick! It is your power you use it or not at least accept it. It’s time to be your true power! It’s safe and you are protected by accepting your true self- That’s My Gnomes for you!

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