Being ONE with The Environment- Nishante Divinelove

Every thought, belief, belief system, emotions and feelings, every choice, every action one takes in life are affecting the environment if it is not positive or serve the greater good. That energy that one puts out there actually gets returned to you times ten fold. Hence we do our inner work. We connect to our soul, higher mind within, let our inner being guide us so we don’t put anything out there that is harming the environment because it will harm you physically, mentally, emotionally, psychically, energetically. It will harm your relationships, your health and well being, your career, business, finances everything. Hence we ask that everything we do, be, our choices are guided by our soul, higher mind. It is not about you or me and our lives anymore. It is about serving this planet, being one with the planet. And if my choices are not serving the planet then I will also get the same impact that I caused to the environment by choosing to do something or being or interacting with someone that did not serve the planet. Environment and us are one. What you do to the environment is done to you to. So really assess your life right about now. And choose what you truly want to be. If you ask me the easiest way is to choose accept and acknowledge you want to be your true self. That’s it. And allow yourself to follow your inner guidance. No condition, no saying nothing after this. This is it. One statement. And know whatever changes happen or occur after what you stated is what needs to happen in your life to serving the greater good. Trust in your soul and higher mind. But if you want to take a hard road your choice. Being one with Environment is being one with your soul, higher mind, your inner being, your trueself. Living, existing on this planet is about living how the source of this planet lives. This planet will live on with you or without you. Choose to live as the planet lives. If you go against it then by all means your karma!

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