A soul defines what her/ his form should be- Nishante Divinelove- Nisha Designs

Who you are on the inside is what matters. Your body, body parts don’t define who you are on the inside! Your body is merely a machine. The energy that is inside of you is what drives the body, form not the body. So this importance we give on how we look and what body parts we have or not has no relevance. A male can be in a female body and a female can be in a male body. It is the soul that you are defined by. A soul is a male and female spiritual energy being as one soul together. We have both feminine and masculine energy beings within us. It is not our job to judge who we are based on the body but to accept and acknowledge who we are and our role that has been chosen for you to play in the microcosm of the macrocosm that serves the greater good.

The soul he or she is the one that chooses what her or his form they want to be. Who are we to judge that? And who gives you the right to judge the form that a Soul, Divine Goddess, God has chosen to express themselves? Hmm? No you don’t have any right. The God is a female and male without one the other does not exist. And a God or a Goddess divine soul can choose whatever form they want to take to express themselves. All we have to do is look within, accept who we are within and then watch the Magick. No one will ever dare to tell you anything. The problem, the fight, the drama arises when we do not accept who we are on the inside. It is not other people’s job to accept us and acknowledge us. It is our job and then others will accept you for who you are. But you cannot go running, screaming, blaming others for not accepting you when you yourself haven’t accepted you or even acknowledged you. They may look at you differently but who cares accept and acknowledge that you are different. And that you have been chosen to be different, to be the change, to bring freedom from this limited mindset and to bring awareness and way of being to this planet.

How many of you love animals? Watch nature and are nature lovers? Look at nature and every species in nature. They have the most beautiful colorful bodies one can ever imagine that God the male and female goddess have created. Because nothing can be created or manifested single handedly. A female is spiritual form of a soul and a male is a physical form of a soul and together creation happens. So if you tell me there is just one God yes in my awareness the god is male and female so yes one God. But if you tell me there is just one male God then I would have to say we should not have the moon? Only sun. Why do we have a moon and a sun, day and night? Sun represents the male and moon represents the female. If you think a God is a male and he created everything is because he is the manifestor but the creator is the goddess, the female. So no a male God cannot create. And so which God are you following and listening to? Certainly not the one who is part and consort of the divine feminine. The one. All of them are divinely created and manifested by the God. The God that is spiritual and physical as male and female.

It is for my duty to serve that I am born. We are here to serve by accepting, acknowledging who we are, walk by example and to enjoy being who we are on the inside. Not to wreck our world but to live and be the freedom of expression.

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